What's the first step to begin partnering with Fuel Manager Services?
First, we want to make sure it's in the best interest of both of us to begin a partnership. This starts with your company providing us with your fuel data. The data will be analyzed in a 2-step process 1) Via the Fuel Management Analyst and 2) Via the President of Fuel Manager Services.
Why use a 2-step process?
When the data is reviewed we want to make sure our potential customers are getting the best value which includes our services too. It's a two-fold value system with the agreement with Fuel Manager Services and the suppliers.
Am I charged for the fuel analysis?
The fuel analysis is FREE.
Is my information protected?
Fuel Manager Services does not share your information, we take confidentiality very seriously and if needed we'll gladly sign a confidentiality agreement.
How will I know I'm getting value via the Fuel Manager Services program?
You'll know before you pump the first gallons of fuel due the Fuel Management Analyst will be presented with very understandable results to you.
How much has Fuel Manager Services saved their customers?
Historically, Fuel Manager Services' is quickly approaching the $870 million mark. This is via our primary marketing focus on the 50 to 250 truck fleets.
Do I have to use a particular fuel card to partner with Fuel Manager Services?
The short answer is no but your data capture service must provide wholesale price capabilities. The larger companies like Comdata, EFS, or WEX etc have these capabilities.
Is Fuel Manager Services limited to just truck stop services?
Absolutely not, we provide bulk fuel assistance, risk management paper or wet barrel hedging. Our President was involved in the early stages of tank sharing programs, well-head to truck tank pricing programs. Our Fuel Management Analyst will propose the best program for your fleet size. Note: Hedging presents a high level risk for your company.
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